Fun with Faux: A New Kind of Area Rug

A faux rug is cheaper and easier to clean than a real rug and you can customize the pattern and color to match your room. Courtesy of
Ever feel like there’s just something missing from a room despite your best decorative efforts? The space is furnished beautifully, some of your favorite contemporary art work is peppered throughout and you’ve even recently put that fresh coat of Lemon Meringue paint on the walls.
Yet, still, the place craves something fixed, something permanent that surpasses the mobile ornaments. If this sounds like you, check out one of the newest home décor trends that’s sure to solve the problem of filling that empty space: painted faux area rugs. These splendid little creations bring depth and character to any area imaginable, be it a front porch stoop, a pool patio deck or a game room. Using a variety of different techniques, the patterns are usually created by an artist or designer on paper, scaled to fit the desired floor space and then, using a number of materials including tape, stencils, fabric, wood or even string, are painted on virtually any flat surface to create an impressive “rug.” And the best part is that it’s permanent, and customizable to fit your taste! Click here for more information on painted faux area rugs.
By Natasha Khairullah